Category: Product-Related Injury

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Product Liability for Defective Products

January 26, 2021

Who is responsible when defective products harm someone? Surprisingly, more than one person or company might be involved. We will look at product liability cases in more depth in this article. Product Liability Law Generally, a product liability claim “can be based on negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty of fitness.” Negligence means that […]



What Is a Defective Product Lawsuit?

December 28, 2020

We use them every day – products. Items that were designed and manufactured by a faceless person we don’t know, yet we trust them to provide safe, effective goods. However, people can be injured by defective products. When this happens, the injured parties might seek compensation by filing a defective product lawsuit. Defining a Defective […]



Have You Been Injured by a Defective Medical Device?

December 19, 2020

A character on a popular medical show suffered serious complications a defect in his hip replacement device. But this kind of problem does not just happen in Hollywood. In fact, medical devices cause approximately 200,000 injuries every year. So, what should you do if you or a loved one was injured by a defective medical […]



Bayer Will Pay $10 Billion+ to Settle Roundup Cases

November 3, 2020

Sometimes a widely-used product has unusual and unpleasant results. For example, people who want to keep their plants healthy typically use chemicals to kills bugs and organisms that target the plants. Pest-fee plants look better, and crops might yield higher-quality produce. Unfortunately, consumers have made claims that herbicides with certain substances in them cause cancer. […]



Johnson’s Baby Powder Finally Taken Off Store Shelves

July 23, 2020

Like Gerber Baby Food and Pampers Disposable Diapers, Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder was a staple of the infant years of many Americans. It has been a familiar part of medicine cabinets and changing tables for several decades. It provides nostalgic feelings for many parents who associate the smell of the product with newborns and […]



Judges Struggle To Apply Antiquated Products Liability Law In the Digital Age

June 30, 2020

At the end of 2019, a federal court panel ruled 2-1 that “under Pennsylvania law, Amazon is strictly liable for consumer injuries caused by defective goods purchased on” The case’s ruling is nationally significant as it is scheduled for review by a rare full panel hearing early next year in Philadelphia before the Third […]



Pandemic Increases Online Shopping Raising Likelihood Of More Defective Products

June 12, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting quarantine has caused a dramatic increase in online commerce. Online sales have increased at a skyrocketing rate during the quarantine, as much as 74% in some sectors. Amazon has benefited the most, while other retailers with a large digital presence such as Target and Walmart have seen substantial sales increases. […]



Defective Products And Modern Technology

May 29, 2020

In 2020, technology continues to evolve at a record rate and convert the dreams and notions of 1950s sci-fi movies into reality. As novel, modern, emerging technologies bring a new generation of products and devices, they also bring further opportunities for design and manufacturing defects, as well as any ensuing product malfunction or misuse. The […]



Statutes Of Repose And Defective Products

May 21, 2020

In the last several decades, products liability law has gone from favoring the interests of businesses to favoring consumers, and now back again to favoring business interests. Any business that manufactures, supplies, sells, or even repairs a product, may be sued in a product liability case. The statute of limitations, which determines the time period […]



Some Information About EVALI And Vaping

February 10, 2020

In 2019, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised American consumers of all ages to avoid e-cigarettes while awaiting the results of ongoing federal and state efforts to investigate a nationwide epidemic of severe lung injuries associated with the use of vaping products, also known as e-cigarettes.  Federal and state health agencies have […]


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